Our Expert

Venkatnath Kukillaya

Vice President

Venkat is the ace up our sleeve. Since 1992, he has been seasoned in field operations through globe-trotting adventures exploring small town food and culture or casually touring iron ore mines and thermal power plants. Venkat has a knack for corporate, industrial, and pharma research. He has gained extensive experience in setting up television viewership panel and excelled in innovative studies like the family budget study, a panel on lube oils, evaluation of special display in retail outlets, and the evaluation of hoardings. When it comes to setting up panels and implementing control systems, Venkat is the top seed—highly intelligent, a master multitasker, and diabolically independent. His wisdom and prowess over managing projects in retail, media, industrial, business, and health units have proven to be both enviable and formidable. For retail compliance measurement studies, Venkat is the ultimate gatekeeper, the seer, the changemaker.