Our Expert

Tora Mitra Ganguli

Mentor - Neuroscience

With over a decade of experience in neuroscience across corporate and academia, Dr. Tora Mitra Ganguli has worked in diverse roles ranging from leading FMCG R&D, industry-academic partnerships, neuro-analytics, and strategic consulting with multinational organisations. Tora has a knack for leveraging scientific insights for communication, product innovation, strategic consulting, and building teams. Her strength lies in understanding the customer’s need and providing solutions that help drive their business forward. Along with numerous certifications and awards under her belt, She has experience on the agency side as well as on the client side. She has published several peer reviewed artciels in leading international scientific journals.Tora has led research collaborations between industry and academia and holds a deep interest in mentoring startups in health and technology. A Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Massachusetts, Tora knows exactly what to bring to the table.


Create your best offer

Utilising a mix of conscious and unconscious decision making to help you create the best offering—from ideation to final offer

Know your shopper

Helping you understand the shopping process through stated response and observed behaviours